
イタリア・ナポリにあるバー「Sliding Doors」のマリアーノさんを14-54に迎えた、GW特別企画です。


5月5日(金)PM8:00 OPEN


イタリア・ナポリ出身。オランダ・アムステルダムでのピッツァ店勤務などを経て、現在はナポリのバー「Sliding Doors 」のオーナー兼バーテンダー。14-54Pizzeriaのピッツァを監修しています。大の日本好き。コロナ禍による渡航制限を経て、この度晴れて来日が叶い、ここ14-54に迎えることができました。


A native of Napoli, Mariano has an extensive career in hospitality and the food industry, serving up pizzas in Amsterdam before starting a cocktail bar back home in Italy. A plan almost two years in the making, he has come to Towada for a two-month residency to experience Towada and share his expertise.



“I came here to experience and learn and understand a culture I’ve always been fascinated by. 14-54 gave me this opportunity and now i have the chance to do what I love, in a lovely place, and, at the same time, live a “once in a life” experience and, why not, show you a bit of my background and a bit of myself. よろしくお願いします.”
